James Hurlbut
Interactive Development and Interface Design
OpenGL, C++, GLSL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, Python, PHP, TouchDesigner, Maya, CS Suite, Heroku, Sencha Touch, AS 3.0
Hermes Creative Platinum Award for Strategic Programs
Bronze at Internationalist Awards for Innovative Digital Solutions
Gold and Silver awards
Silver prize for the Best Use Of A Single Technology
Best Use of Interactive Technology
The 15 Most Innovative Meetings 2012
Latest Blog
Binding Metal textures to a shader using SCNProgram bug in ios 9.3
I’ve been moving an iOS app from OpenGL to Metal recently and ran into some undocumented issues with SceneKit, Metal and iOS 9. A common way to bind Metal textures is to use SCNMaterialProperty objects referencing UIImages as in this…
Bypassing long file verification in OSX
Handy way to tell Gatekeeper a large file is from a trusted source when it’s taking forever to verify xattr -d com.apple.quarantine “Big File” SO link
Video Sculpture Timelapse
Here’s a timelapse I made while setting up a projection mapped sculpture installation for a party. The sculpture is made of modular blocks which allows for a modular mapping technique where the blocks can be assembled in arbitrary configurations. Since…