• New Slide
  • New Slide
  • New Slide
  • New Slide
  • New Slide
  • New Slide
    presence triggered information popups

SFPUC Digital Arts Panorama

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Digital Arts Panorama is a seamless curved digital canvas that provides an interactive educational experience for the public and provides an infrastructure that allows new content experiences to be continually updated in the future. Located in the downtown lobby of the new LEEDs certified building, The 60 foot by 4 foot display is rendered across ten computers to deliver a dynamic storytelling experience, real-time data visualization and the promotion of local artists. An array of 3D cameras tracks the location of people as they walk up the ramp along the front of the display triggering informational popups and photos which can be updated via a Content Management System.

The main application "Snowfall to Outfall" tells the unique story of the city's water as it travels from the Sierra Nevada Mountain range down to San Francisco via gravity driven pipelines and eventually out to the ocean. The story is told via animated illustration and infographics.

The dashboard application contains a number of widgets that visualize real-time sensor data coming from the agency's power, water and sewer systems using commonly understood comparisons such as the number of glasses of water that could be filled with the current reservoir levels or how many homes could be powered currently by the hydroelectric plants. The dashboard also visualizes the efficiency of the LEEDs certified building's internal systems.

The media stream application is a showcase for the vast photographic archive of the SFPUC that serves to document it's history and traditions from the creation of the Hetch Hetchy reservoir to today's seismic retrofitting projects across Northern California.

The art mode application enables local artists to create media for the wall using a simple template system.



Developed bespoke software for distributed rendering of content, content management and motion tracking. Wireframes, data visualization design and layout for the real-time dashboard display.

7x7 magazine photo spread

Client :
  • San Francisco Public Utilities Commision
Category :
  • Data Visualization
Skills :
  • C++
  • Computer Vision
  • Distributed Rendering
  • OpenGL